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Lorri Sulpizio

Lorri Sulpizio


Director, Conscious Leadership Academy

Leadership Coach, Professor

Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator


Dr. Lorri Sulpizio is the Director of the Conscious Leadership Academy, the founder of the Center for Women’s Leadership at USD, and an executive leadership coach who pushes leaders to confront familiar patterns and grow beyond their edge. Lorri’s interests and expertise include the impact of gender dynamics, using group relations theory to understand effective team leadership, and helping leaders recognize the importance of authenticity and a strong sense of self. Lorri challenges people to do the inner work that sets a foundation for effective leadership and encourages people to explore their assumptions, thoughts, and patterns that get in their way. She believes in getting comfortable with the uncomfortable and works with all clients to create a relevant program uniquely designed for their needs.

The Conscious Leadership Academy

founded as The Leadership Institute in 2001, brings an innovative approach to leadership development. Based on the premise that leadership can be taught, and the belief that people learn best by doing, our team of coaches, facilitators, and faculty use an experiential methodology to help people expand their thinking, explore patterns and habits, and creatively strengthen their ability to make a positive difference in the world.


Phone: 619-260-4593

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